Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Tears & Tiaras - Diary Of A Bridezilla

Diets. Who on earth invented such a thing? Was it some self-loathing woman who couldn’t get the man she wanted? Or was it the sexist git who decided something had to be done about his beloveds ever increasing love handles. Let’s face it, no matter who invented it it’s got to be a woman’s fault. If a man had been told to loose a few pounds, he’d have told you he wasn’t changing and gone down the pub. You so much as tell a woman she’s looking healthier, and she’s embarking on some strange diet that’s practiced by the Hollywood God’s.

But what about us mere mortals with no will power? We see the size 0 girls in the magazines and, even more worryingly, on the streets, & feel guilty & disgusted with ourselves for polishing off the last jammy dodger. And yet we’ll still go home and hunt out the last of the tiramisu at the back of the fridge, or lick the lid of a Ben & Jerries.

On numerous occasions I’ve tried the latest craze, from baby food to cabbage soup to the morsel diet. I’ve even been to my local doctor and begged, yes that’s right, begged for little blue tablets that give you some very unpleasant side effects.

Will we ever believe our spouse when they tell us that we’re beautiful? Or will we continue to torment ourselves with airbrushed images of our favourite star?